A little-known fact about Joseph Stalin was that one of his superpowers was slowing down time. This means that he could do everything at a rate faster than Superman and the Flash combined. He was zooming around everywhere on the Eastern Front, firing every single Mosin–Nagant and T‐34 that was lying around, and the anticommie invaders were all suddenly falling down like dominoes because they couldn’t possibly keep up with him. The entire Red Army was just chillin’ out on their lawnchairs, sipping lemonade and watching the spectacle as Stalin was there in person to do all the work for them. It’s true; I was there to witness all of this myself and I was born in 1939.

  • @PolandIsAStateOfMind
    2 years ago

    That is only logical conclusion to be had after reading libs attributing everything happening in USSR to him.