This is a post for Lemmygrad members to talk about things liberals are doing/saying. Let’s vent about liberal bullshit together.

  • @KommandoGZD
    342 years ago

    Just the way they fucking talk. You all know what I mean, they all have these dorky ass, snarky, sarcastic, reeking of proud ignorance and arrogance phrases they rehash over and over again. I can’t even put it into words, it just makes me viscerally angry. Like fuck conservatives and chuds too, but at least they don’t talk like this…

    • Star Wars Enjoyer OPA
      252 years ago

      libs talk like they’re still in high school and are delivering a line that they believe will forever ruin the mental wellbeing of their bully. The cocky self-confidence, the belief that their “clever” quip will destroy their opponent on its own, the smugness that can turn into malice if you even slightly disagree with them.

      They think they’re kings of political discourse, just because they use poetic sentence structures and pretend to know what they’re talking about.

      AND when these self-righteous jagoffs are confronted in person they’re suddenly unable to retort anywhere similar to what they do online, instead defaulting to their finite list of talking points, that they regurgitate endlessly. As though they’re drones programmed to bore their opponents to death.

    • @panic
      232 years ago

      It’s the MCU talk

      • @Ottar
        1 year ago

        deleted by creator

        • @panic
          192 years ago

          I don’t know who’s the one responsible for it but we should consider them an enemy of the people. People don’t talk like that