Maybe they are conflating patsocs and tankies? Either way it reeks of liberal crap

  • @CriticalResist8A
    162 years ago

    Reminder that to people who use the word tankie, MLs are not even tankies!

    If you communicate right, you can outright admit support for China and the USSR and they will never call you a tankie. You’ll be one of the “good” MLs lmao.

    The tankie is a complete strawman, a windmill even.

    • @cayde6ml
      222 years ago

      From my experience, supporting China and the USSR automatically makes you a “tankie”, no exceptions.

      • @CriticalResist8A
        92 years ago

        It’s all in the delivery. Some people apparently never clocked I was an ML and thought I was just generally a communist despite me quoting Mao and correcting them about him.

        • @cayde6ml
          22 years ago

          I disagree with you on this but I haven’t had your experiences.