So it’s been two years and the majority of the US still pushes Wuhan as the origin of the pandemic.

What is the counter-narrative/truth to this position ? Any evidence come up in the last couple of years? Thank you.

      2 years ago

      it was, in fact the bolsheviks and not lenin (translated from italian wikipedia with deepl bcs im lazy) “The London Pact remained secret until its unexpected publication in late 1917 by the Bolsheviks, who had just come to power following the Russian Revolution. The revolutionary government, in fact, gave immediate and maximum publicity to the secret diplomatic pacts unearthed in the czarist archives. The publication of the pact had wide international resonance and caused embarrassment to the signatory powers, raising public disquiet and undermining the method of “secret diplomacy” that had been followed for decades by the European powers.” i heard it was Lenin but probably it was just a mistake