Based 🗿man

  • @KommandoGZD
    222 years ago

    Jesus Christ that host… These people are like trained monkeys

    “b-b-but WW2” “b-b-but Pearl Harbor”

    Are those the 2 things every Yank learns in school and then regurgitates their entire life to sound like they have a modicum of historical knowledge? “War…? Oh I know war - WW2, Pearl Harbor, we’re liberators, yes look I know things and am a very good boi”

    • DankZedong OPA
      2 years ago

      As a Western European, even we learn these things. That, and being proud of your colonial past because it made us rich. It’s just never our fault and the rest just sucks. Yay us.

    • @REEEEvolution
      42 years ago

      If his reactions were anything else, he wouldn’t have the job.