the NSA spy’s on countless citizens worldwide there are a few tools like tails that can help you. what can we do in terms of communism to defeat this i feel like a Leninist revolution would only increase this mass surveillance by technology is bad since it prevents free speech and seeks to closely monitor you as such controlling how you behave this pdf says it better then i can

  • @SovietIntl
    43 years ago

    We can’t stop it no more than we can stop technology altogether. There can be regulations introduced in the interest of citizens’ privacy but those limits could only go so far. These algorithms get smarter every year, and will continue to do so. If you don’t want to be surveiled the solution is simply move out to the countryside where there’s as little tech as possible.

    • @i_eat_soapOP
      03 years ago

      i wish we could just go back to a society of discipline or the Utopian society that doesn’t oppress people