This person tried to tell me peanut butter was illegal in the Soviet Union because they saw it on stranger things. Like…. you know you can fact check that right? You just believe whatever the tv tells you??

It’s even FUNNIER cuz they were talking about how much they hate the 4th, USA and capitalism… like bestie that was kinda the Soviet unions whole thing. What’s worse is I ask them: what makes them evil? And they answer: because the soviets are evil.

Honestly it’s just sad because people are just so content in their lil ignorance bubbles. Learning about communism from corporate media, being led a stray from any actual class consciousness.

We must never stop explaining in this upside down world. ( lol get it)

  • @sudojonz
    2 years ago

    As I mentioned she grew up in USSR, so I don’t think Hollywood is the reason. More likely a reactionary ideological drift in response to coming of age during the dissolution of the SSRs, in combination with a lacking education in Marxist-Leninist theory during that time period and ever since. In short, she thinks she is a communist but by her own articulation of her views she is barely a social democrat with a neolib and pro-Western tilt. In other words, you’re not going to get a very accurate POV from anyone born in the USSR who is younger than 55-60, unless you’re asking them about the collapse itself. Best to find and talk to those pensioners and babushkas if you want a more realistic perspective on the USSR.

    • @Shrike502
      62 years ago

      Best to find and talk to those pensioners and babushkas if you want a more realistic perspective on the USSR.

      Ironically, the most staunchly anti-Soviet, pro-West person I know is a pensioneer old enough to remember Stalin.