I just discovered the existence of this thing (i dont even know what to call it, party? movement? cult?). So what i understand is the founder Lyndon LaRouche was a trotskyst whose faction was part of Students for a Democratic Society (SDS), a radical communist student group of the 1960s USA New Left. He was then expelled and founded the National Caucasus of Labor Committees (NCLC), a trotskyst group.

However, in the mid 1970s, his group suddenly turned more and more right wing. They declared that the enemy was now “on the left”, and set up paramilitary street gangs that would violently attack members and meetings of CPUSA and other communist parties. The group became quite rich somehow, which makes me think that they function like a cult, an accusation that has been leveled against them many times. With this money they set up more organizations, like the Schiller Institute think tank, which promotes LaRouches ideas.

This same institute would invent and push in the early 90s the conspiracy theory of “cultural marxism”, that “Frankfurt school cultural marxists” are infiltrating western society through “blacks, feminists and homosexuals” and pushing “political correctness” to “destroy western civilization”. If youve ever heard this conspiracy theory, you know its a favourite of the far right/alt right, and often has antisemitic derivations.

With this in mind, my instincts are to say that its a far right/fascist cult. However, the LaRouche Movement also heavily supports Russia, Iran, China and the Belt and Road Initiative. They have defended Russia now with the whole Ukraine fiasco. For this, they have often appeared on antiimperialist media like RT, PressTV and CGTN (an example of this: https://youtu.be/X2H0RP547gM ) criticizing the west.

What do you make of all of this? I really dont know what to make of it.

  • @housefinch
    132 years ago

    He’s a Trot, that explains a lot of the analysis flaws, yet the scattered pieces that deceptively do seem to hit the target.

    Iirc he was one of the founders of the accelerationist movement as well in the 90s, but beside some vague memory of seeing his name in some Trot newspaper archive idr details. Accelerationists are popularly memed as being behind the old Trot->neocon (and nowadays the neo-monarchist as well) pipeline.

    Their ideal is to accelerate the absolute worst of capitalism, ‘heighten and increase the contradictions’, to make it easier for permanent rev, without regard to all the other issues (or fascists) that brings in.

    I’d say you’re right to be suspicious, especially in conclusion of what this approach brings.

    • KiG V2
      52 years ago

      Weird, I knew they had accelerationists like Posad but I didn’t know about the neocon/neomoarchist thing. How weird.

      • @housefinch
        42 years ago

        Neomonarchist seems to be a thing since around the late 00s through present, that’s a more new development afaik.

        Not sure what the deal with Posadas is, he started off as a Trot, sometime during his work at the BLA then he became his own tendency with space comrades, dolphins, and first nuclear strike among other oddities. In some spots of LatAm there was a Trot->Posadist pipeline, so perhaps he was the first of the modern accelerationists. Still is the same concept underneath the nuclear war.

        He may have been paid off since about 60s was when the US got heavy into playing sides in SA and doing all sorts of fuckery, could have been some agents dressed up as Hollywood aliens and gave him a bit of an incentive, or maybe he simply had something flair up under stress, who knows.