Yesterday, for a larf, I go to rfa’s website and see if they’re able to spin the recent CPC crackdowns on cheap vape products and illegal black markets in their favor. I start laughing because the main thing on the page is that HK will put in books that say HK was never a colony. I say to myself “Ha! That’s a good one! I’m guessing they made that up. Well, I guess there’s no news today according to them.” And I exit out the tab. Later that same day, 4 hrs later, my brother and I are talking about news(he’s on the path towards being a leftist, he’s kinda in that SocDem/DemSoc no mans land)and he says he sees an article (not RFA, but a larger name I forget which but it wasn’t WaPo or NYT or anything) that says the exact same title as the RFA post. I immediately cracked up and let him know that they’re the news source that cries wolf, you’ll never know what the hell is going on by listening to these people, they don’t merely distort the truth, they creatively invent it for their own head canon. Moral of the story, check RFA and RFE sometimes to see what the idiots are up to

  • @The_Commie_Ferret
    22 years ago

    I saw that story on reddit earlier and people were going crazy about it in the comments.