I want to know what you all think of the idea if preparing for some kind of disaster is, as the likelihood only increases as time goes on and capitalism survives. Shit will hit the fan, at least where I am. Thoughts?

  • DankZedong A
    42 years ago

    A lot of the prepping work starts with location. Ideally you’d be in a place without people surrounding you, and with lots of green space to grow food.

    I am in an urban area however, so I mainly focus on that. I have a bunker-type-basement where I store food. I plan to bring three or four cheap items extra with me when I do groceries. When buying stuff it’s important to know what to buy. A basement full of candy won’t get you far.

    The most important things in a survival situation are carbs, fats and protein. Carbs and fats give you energy and make your immune system work (oversimplified take). My bet on getting enough carbs in, is rice. You can buy huge 10kg bags of rice for pretty cheap. If you plan on eating 100 grams of rice a day, you can last around 100 days with this bag. You do need to look into storing it properly. It can last 2 years but if you do it correctly, it may last longer.

    Canned food is next. Where I live, I can easily get canned food that lasts 3+ years. I choose a lot of lentils as they are protein packed and have some carbs as well. Beans work fine too. They are also rich in iron. But stores near me also have full meals in cans for around 2 euro’s each. They contain veggies, some form of protein, sauce and some fats. You won’t necessarily eat like a king, but you’ll be fine in surviving.

    Fats can be obtained by stuff like nuts. Peanuts are cheap where I live and a bag of 250 grams can last me 2+ years. A handfull of nuts (lol) contains some fats and vitamins, as well as protein. Canned tuna is great as well.

    This covers some basic food stuff. I learned this from my hiking trips where you need to pack dry, protein/carb/fat packed food in order to keep your body working. Look for more stuff on YouTube or Google for some more tips. My choice of food is pretty urban minded as I’m probably going to be in a large urban area if shit hits the fan.

    There’s a lot more to this but I’m at work right now so I can’t make a two hour long post lol.