I want to know what you all think of the idea if preparing for some kind of disaster is, as the likelihood only increases as time goes on and capitalism survives. Shit will hit the fan, at least where I am. Thoughts?

  • KiG V2
    42 years ago

    On one hand, yes I very much want to. On the other hand, it’s expensive, and I simply have way too many other costly (money, time, energy) things on the to-do list first. I understand this might bite me in the ass if I don’t get my shit together–I almost bought a gun in 2018 and gun prices tripled in 2020–but unfortunately there’s only so much I can do and I accept the risk.

    • @TeezyZeezyOP
      22 years ago

      For sure, I totally get that. It just isn’t feasible. My whole plan is to become not a bunker-dwelling hoarder, but a prepared, cooperating helpful guy. I’m trying to create a network of like-minded people so that there can be, in the case of some catastrophe, a glimmer of hope for positive change in my community if SHTF. I’d like to participate in offering as many of my skills as possible and rebuilding. Perhaps this is an idealistic point of view, and I’m sure it’s got many flaws, but one has to hope.

      I hope to see you thriving soon, comrade.