• DankZedong A
    2 years ago

    It’s good to ask awareness for LGBTQ+ rights and to fight for their acceptance. But it got hijacked by companies that slap a rainbow logo on themselves and call it a day. Good things happen during this month too. Awareness is still necessary.

    Edit: but that shouldn’t be just one month. It should be always.

    • ButtigiegMineralMap
      52 years ago

      I agree, Americans have a tendency of making stereotypes and caricatures of the people that are supposed to be celebrated, Cinco De Mayo(which I hear was not very widely celebrated until beer companies used it as a holiday to sell drinks) is now a day of eating Tacos and drinking tequila. St. Patrick’s Day=Drink Drink Drink. Pride month is just gay rainbow=progress and woke. Black History month is upsetting because nobody really pays attention to it, it’s literally the shortest month available. Latin History month is literally split between two months=nonexistent to vast majority of Americans. May is AAPI pride month and it doesn’t get attention beyond TV ads for South Korean shows. Every history/pride month or day quickly devolves into binge drinking or consumerism. No explanations of history, traditions, culture(besides food and ALCOHOLLL!!!) I think America has a serious drinking problem that it hides behind “celebration”. It’s actually sad because it’s a telltale sign of alcoholism and nearly the whole country takes part. Next thing you know, they’ll use History Months as excuses to get shitfaced for 30 days straight. I agree we shd definitely be upholding minority populations throughout the year and showing appreciation to these people that are made caricatures 1/12 of the year and treated like shit by whites(I’m white too)throughout the next 11 months. I honestly feel bad that every holiday has been taken away from them