And then Ukraine happened. I realize this is probably the same logic that Holocaust or Sandy Hook deniers use, but it really is fascinating just how many people can be fooled by propaganda or group think. Even when the facts are staring in their faces they just don’t want to hear it.

  • Breadbeard
    2 years ago

    if you read history correctly or followed the details nobody wanted to talk about (because conspiracy boohoo) then you should notice, that the same group that was behind 911 is behind the Ukraine war. the Iraq war, the Syria war and all the other wars. it is always the same people, same tactics, same fearmongering, scapegoating, “with us or against us”-dichotomy, gaslighting, alienation of dissenting voices (Actual journalism) and the bipartisan enforcement of the same groups profit and the same geostrategic paradigm since 1945 and before.

    Ukraine is the long end of 911 which is the long end of JFK which is the culmination of Condor/Gladio/Staybehind/Ergenekon in one giant leap which is the culmination of Paperclip/MkUltra.

    same families, same corporations, same groups, same interests, same sheikdoms, same halford-mackinder bullshit, same enemies, same everything.

    All because US historians and lobbies saw the nazis warcriminals and their perception of the soviet union& communism as more important than the perception of their victims of the soviet side. Because think tanks and publishing syndicates are all in the hand of a few families who are part of the media monopoly.

    all because america is run by former slaveowner families who supported the nazi and wanted to prevent a workers revolution on their soil (and before that in their investment backyard, germany)