And then Ukraine happened. I realize this is probably the same logic that Holocaust or Sandy Hook deniers use, but it really is fascinating just how many people can be fooled by propaganda or group think. Even when the facts are staring in their faces they just don’t want to hear it.

    2 years ago

    It’s better and worse in some ways.

    Ukraine is better than 9/11 in that 9/11 ended up with nearly 3 million Afghan and Iraqis killed, and it doesn’t look like we’ll hit those numbers again. It’s also better that (so far) NATO hasn’t done anything extra stupid like invaded Russia.

    Ukraine is worse than 9/11 in that we should have learned by now… but here we go again.

    • @xxcvzvcxx
      152 years ago

      Yes that’s what I meant. I was comparing the social situations not death toll. Of course 9/11 will hopefully remain unmatched in their death toll.