It is not just guns they have. Fucking tanks, choppers, drones. What can the workers do?

  • @ZeroGravity@lemmy.mlOP
    62 years ago

    Is it not already? Unless military itself is involved I don’t see the worker class rising up. Capitalists won’t have mercy using any means

    • KiG V2
      72 years ago

      Fascists won’t have any mercy. Capitalists will have to fight a long fight for the privilege of using no mercy: they will be fighting Americans, many of which are white and have social media presence on the English-speaking internet. American citizens on U.S. soil. This is a lot different than fighting black and brown people in alien foreign lands that no American could find on a map.

      • @seanchai
        1 year ago

        deleted by creator

        • @ComradeChopin
          22 years ago

          Those were black anarchists living in some obscure neighborhood, so that probably played a part in it being ignored. Can they truly get away with bombing apartment blocks in city centers in California though?