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There are a lot of self proclaimed ML’s online who have mostly agreeable politics but are also very socially reactionary. They often post something decent like ‘NATO provoked the conflict in Ukraine’ and at the end randomly say ‘this is similar to when liberals pretend trans identities are valid’ they talk about trans identities as part of western societal decay etc. (One thing I have noticed is that they praise tomboys but condemn trans women or even cis men in dresses). How does one expose their lack of materialism around this issue? I honestly think some could be swayed.

    42 years ago

    You have it one the nail there. But it’s so exhausting to see people screaming “It’s not natural”, like apparently we are all Darwins over here. Religion also plays a part, and with what you are saying.

    • @CountryBreakfast
      42 years ago

      Its like race science. It was made to justify colonialism.

      The “natural” is political. Its a dogwhistle.