Ive readed some stuff that on the olympics of 1936 the americans despised black athlets like Jesse owens but the germans did not really care and even cheeared him a lot when he winned the medals, is that true?

Edit: Just to clarify, ive watched an movie on class today about jesse owens and the 1936 olyimpics, i got curious and searched a little about it, and there was stuff saying that the german audience did not at all shunned the black athlets during the olyimpics, with was something very common in the US. I would like to know if its true or not.

  • @TheConquestOfBed@lemmy.ml
    42 years ago

    They were quite brutal toward africans in the colonies, esp with regard to cotton, compared to other Euro neocolonies because the regions they purchased were “less developed” (ie. didn’t have cash crop infrastructure). Efforts to force indigenous africans to grow cash crops were met with rebellions which the Germans attempted to put down with extreme violence, but were cut short by the end of WW2.

    They also wanted to clear out land in the colonies to create work camps for ghettoized minorities in Germany, but these efforts were unsuccessful, which led to the conversion of concentration camps to death camps when it became clear that extermination through profitable forced labor was off the table.

    German policy toward local people with african heritage differed because the population was considered to be too small to bother with. But this basically meant local officials were free to create their own policies toward that section of ‘untermensch’ at their own discretion. Afro-Germans were sterilized en-masse and, famously, thousands of black frenchmen were executed in POW camps while white soldiers were spared.