• ButtigiegMineralMap
    262 years ago

    I’ve heard right-wing dipshits saying to arm the teachers. How about the liberal teachers that may not want to use a firearm? What about the cost of arming AND training every teacher? Who is the lowest level employee with access to firearms at work? What happens when, not if, but when a larger student charges the teacher and takes their gun? Isn’t the main thing that’s stopping most potential school shooters the fact that they don’t have access to a gun easily? Well, that just puts a new gun into the mix that the kid wouldn’t be able to use.

    • @Mzuark
      232 years ago

      All cons know how to do is victim blame. When they “suggest” things like teachers should be armed or kids should have bullet proof backpacks, what they really mean is that “Bad things wouldn’t happen if the sheep weren’t so weak.” The sheep being anyone whose not a self righteous nutjob like them.

      • ButtigiegMineralMap
        212 years ago

        And it also feeds into a market. Think about it, the bulletproof backpack companies may be getting some new purchases, godforbid they actually do the guns in class thing, the gun lobbies will be raking it in. Body armor and other accessories for police will be sold more bc the only thing being talked about on the right about these shootings is the need for MORE police budgets, despite the fact that we spend nearly twice as much on police budgets as China, we spend 428 Billion and we have about 1 billion less people than them. More policing doesn’t change the fact that we have so many police officers murdering innocents and brutalizing people who could be de-escalated

    • @Munrock
      212 years ago

      They don’t even pay the teachers enough to teach, let alone double as security.

      • ☭CommieWolf☆
        152 years ago

        Actually, giving firearm training to a group of underpaid and underappreciated members of the working class might not be too bad of an idea.

        • @freagle
          92 years ago

          I like the way you think

    • @Idliketothinkimsmart
      142 years ago

      That’s the ingenuity of capitalism! Make your populace infinitely worse, tell yourself self affirming notions of capitalist realism, and finally, any solution that follows is super reactionary.