The way mixed race marriages especially of colonised and coloniser (through their offspring) allowed Europe to exercise greater control of her colonies, acting as a bridge or middleman. Its thoroughly fucked up. Not to mention the racial/ethnic hierarchy that was then embedded in colonial societies across the global south, still present in the modern day.

This is what happens when you take liberal idpol to its conclusions. You apologize and give prizes to ‘one of the good ones’, in this case the ‘Indo-Europeans’ minority while ignoring and leaving the vast majority of Indonesians, in Indonesia, to suffer.

We do not express enough hatred of the Dutch in particular tbh.

  • DankZedong A
    2 years ago

    As a (now moved away) Dutch person my country’s horrible past is not taught all to well in history class. We acknowledge that we made mistakes regarding slave trade and colonizing Africa, South-America and Indonesia but we never learn how far our atrocities go.

    I used to date an Indonesian girl (living in NL, born from Indonesian family) and her family still had a hatred for the Dutch. I understood why when I started digging more into my country’s past.

    It’s still a controversial topic whether or not schools should teach more about our dark past…