• @Rafael_Luisi
    2 years ago

    Islamism was an nice religion when it was pro science and a lot more progressive then the catholics, a lot of extremelly important scientifical advancements where made during the muslin caliphate while the catholics and europeans where having their brainmelting era of catholiscism. Its sad that the reactionarys where the majority after the caliphate breakd up.

    Edit, also judaism was a lot more prograssive then the catholics, it was then who where able to preserve tons of knowledge when the catholics started to burn everything from the roman era as “paganism”.

    • @VictimOfReligion
      22 years ago

      You say this just because you haven’t heard from the mouth of ex-muslims and ex-judaists, comrade… Wait to hear from them.

      • @Rafael_Luisi
        42 years ago

        I mean, compared to medieval catholiscism everything else gets less worse. Thats just how bad it was (and still is). At least muslin and jew societies where actually functional and where not the complete shitfest of the catholic church, and where also more internationally united.

        • @VictimOfReligion
          32 years ago

          More or less, depends on the context, and more than Medieval Catholicism, it was “Reinassant” Catholicism that started to get the shit show up… And I tell you, ask about this to ex-muslim and ex-judaist communities, your vision about it will be different, and I prefer the people under the circumstances show it to you, than to speak myself, since there’s little knowledge about it. There’s also the part of Lutheranism being a main reactionary force since its conception, how Orthodoxy peomoted the persecution of the Jews, etc, etc, etc.

          Oh, and don’t get me started on Shinto, Buddhism, Hindu, etc.

          • @Rafael_Luisi
            62 years ago

            Religion is aways nice and sweet when you dont know more then the cover around it, but its generally complatelly fucked like, 95% of the time, the only non fucked religions i know are the more simple and cultural ones that come from african and american natives.

            • @VictimOfReligion
              32 years ago

              Exactly. Very few religions are actually tolerable, and most of times, is because we are ignorant about them.