Decided to go to a sporting event. I did my due diligence and arrived on time for the game as to avoid the screeching nightmare of people standing for the Star Spangled Banner.

However, there was no escape from imperial chuavanism because I happened to find myself at a game that celebrated US Millitary personnel the entire time, complete with pre-recorded videos of players droning on about the “sacrifice” the military makes to ensure our freedoms. Someone from each branch threw a ceremonial first pitch and got the ball signed by a player. This event was literally sponsored by Boeing, proudly. I saw from videos played on the jumbo screen that people in Boeing collared shirts were the ones that spread out the massive US flag that was present during the anthem.

Every baseball game sings God Bless America during the 7th inning stretch so i went to the bathroom to avoid that of course. But between every inning there was some gooftroop being honored for their service with the backdrop of Boeing iconography littered around the ballpark. They even had a fucking enlistment ceremony where several people swore allegiance to the US military.

Obviously, this isnt new. There is no discovery here. The Empire is who we thought it was, make no mistake. But it is always chilling to hear the cheers for the American death cult, all brought to you by the military-congressional-industrial-complex.

Wow would it be nice if a few more people would just boo at this shit like they boo 27 year olds that cant throw a strike. Like damn I might cry tears of joy if 25+ thousand people would ruin the national anthem by just booing the shit out of it. Or if these military personnel and their families could be humiliated on their special day. They are part of the problem and they deserve to receive vitriol and malice. Fuck their service and fuck their valor. They dont deserve an autographed ball they deserve one that says “baby killer.”

  • CountryBreakfastOP
    2 years ago

    Considering the alcoholic sports fans (and the fact that the home team got crushed) I agree that it is a threatening situation for people that want to boo the anthem or something. Its why I dont often go to sporting events. There have been times I have not stood or not taken off my hat and people have prodded me to cooperate. There is no way to predict exactly how people would react. Also geography makes a big impact. Its much more expected to comply in the south or rural midwest than the west coast I believe.

      • hazel
        2 years ago

        yes, and some schools will punish children for refusing

        • Abraman
          2 years ago

          This is actually against the law, you have a legal right to not do the pledge if you so choose (not that americans know or care 😹)

      • CountryBreakfastOP
        2 years ago

        Its true for me when I was in elementary through high school. Before and after 911. But after i think it was certainly more fervent and more expected.

          • CountryBreakfastOP
            2 years ago

            Hmmm well I went to a private Christian school, and my family has a military background so my experience is probably a bit more extreme.

            One thing that might be interesting is that when i was 15 and 16 I went to these youth leadership conferences in Washington DC. We got to hear directly from the intelligence community and the military. There were a few decent things such as interacting with immigration lawyers who are usually doing some good work.

            I got to go to the Pentagon where we were lead in discussion about topics like women in combat by military officers. We were taught how the military interacts with Hollywood straight from the mouth of military officers. I also went to the NRA headquarters where we got a full tour and expose on (settler/bourgeoisie) gun rights and their organization as a whole.

            We also did a mock congress and wrote bills and passed laws. The vast majority of the kids there were very much rich kids. Its very strange looking back on it, especially because I was perfectly reactionary. I remember a debate broke out about the war in Iraq between the students there and it was literally lead by another officer. Im leaving a lot out because it was a long time ago and I had especially shitty politics at the time but its pretty crazy that I had that experience.