• @AgreeableLandscape@lemmy.ml
    2 years ago

    I’ll never understand why fast fashion is a thing. Personally, I hate clothes shopping. I hate clothing stores and all their bullshit consumerist tactics. I hate fitting rooms. I hate how every store has a different idea of what “small”, " medium" and “large” actually mean. I hate the grating music every store plays at too loud a volume. I’ll literally wait until most of my clothes are worn to the point of being embarrassing to wear in public before I begrudgingly go out and buy more clothes.

    • @PolandIsAStateOfMind
      2 years ago

      Fashion is something that existed for as long as clothes. It is just a facet of human understanding and longing for beauty. But if you ask about this thing called “fashion” in modern sense, it is of course capitalism applied to that longing and creating a monster.

    • @FuckBigTech347
      22 years ago

      Same what you said comrade. A lot of my clothes are 7-12 years old and some are starting to get noticeably worn to the point where they start to fall apart. I honestly don’t mind too much but I absolutely despise this “fasion” BS. I’m on the spectrum too so it’s difficult for me to be in places where a lot is going on. My senses get overloaded every time I step into one of these shops and I can hardly deal with it.