I’m not sure if this question makes sense, but as someone fairly new to leftism, it seems a lot of time that far leftists and especially communists often don’t like non-leftists in any way and don’t want to interact with them, but that’s just what I’ve seen on the internet and I have no idea how it is in terms of real life friendships. I personally don’t know any other confirmed hard-line leftists in real life (I don’t know a lot of real life people at all TBH because I’m pretty introverted and suffer from social anxiety). What do you think? Do you have friends that are non-leftists and/or liberals? Should we?

  • @Nevar@lemmy.ml
    3 years ago

    In the USA a lot of far leftists start treating their politics as part of their identity and join a subculture of far leftists. This happens alot at the universities and colleges. Then they end up becoming picky about ideology (trotsky vs tankie vs leninist, etc. Etc.). So they feel comfortable in the little box they created in their subculture and do nothing to convince non-leftists of class consciousness. If you meet a leftist that becomes pretentious when you meet them because of your lack of knowledge you know you’ve met someone that uses left wing ideology as an identity statement rather than a social cause they believe in. They kinda play into the indovidualistic culture of capitalism in that way. Most of those types I’ve met are miserable.

    • @vera
      23 years ago

      This so much