It’s basic fact that the evil tendrils of capitalism wrap themselves around every aspect of human society, and dating and relationships are no exception. The fact that private companies are monetizing the feeling of love by charging outrageously expensive monthly fees for dating websites is another example of capitalism preying on desperate people. One thing i wanna make clear is that i am not some far-right incel who believes that there should be some “government sponsored partner/spouse” bullshit, but the monetization of the need for human relationships by private companies has made me want to give up dating as a whole until we can achieve post-revolutionary society.

Which makes me wonder, once we reach a post-revolutionary society how do you think dating and relationships up to and including marriage would function. Also would you willing to date a non-communist, personally i would not want to date a non-communist.

  • Marxism-Fennekinism
    3 years ago

    I heard mentions of some communists supporting abolishment of marriage and the wife, husband, and children family structure, and replacing it with polyamory and adults in a community raising all children communally. I think the justification of this goes back to how some hunter gatherer tribes did this, so it’s seen as more natural than the family structures in western society? I don’t know for sure if this is the actual reason though.

    I don’t know enough about this to comment on whether it’s a good or bad idea, which is why if anyone is knowledgeable on how this might work in a modern society or justifications of it, I’d appreciate a crash course or some links.