Link to twitter thread here.

So today’s been a real stressful day since Eid is tomorrow (technically today its AM right now) and I have an essay due the day after aswell as exams in the few days.

I am stressing the hell out on how I can make a coherent argument in my essay dealing with world-systems theory, eurocentrism and use of “networks” and flows in viewing the history of globalisation but reading the twitter thread made me realise,

even if I fail at writing anything coherent it will never be as embarassing as any takes anarchist twitter has 💀

  • Ball Thrower
    362 years ago

    Anarchists stress me out so much bc their lack of understanding of the value of being able to read is so dangerous and a total insult to many people in poverty caused by colonialism. They don’t care. They don’t care about how little they care about people in poverty who want better lives, instead they tell them that wanting better for themselves is the same as the horrors of colonialism. It’s not even stupidity, it’s stubbornness to admit they are wrong and don’t know anything. I’ve sworn off interacting w anarchists online for a reason. They’re too stubborn for me