Hello comrades!

u/based_grandma69, u/velrot and I are all working on a super secret project which requires based programmers and may be moderators as well!

We already have coders on the team, but we are reaching hoping for more cooperation and making everything easier for everyone.

Knowing any programming language is fine, but we are specifically looking for people who understand HTML, CSS and Javascript. If you are interested in joining us for creating a super secret project which could determine the future of GenZedong and Marxism-Leninism, comment below why you believe you should be a People’s Programmer! We’ll further contact you if you seem decent.

Thank you for reading comrades!

Here are questions that you should respond to if interested, you can post the response in the replies. If you are decent enough we will message you an invite to a Discord.

  1. What programming languages do you know and how much experience do you have with them? Coders who have familiarity with programming is required, but not career coders.
  2. How active on the internet are you?
  3. Do you have experience working on a website in the past?
  4. How long have you been a Marxist-Leninist?
  5. What would you say is the Marxist figure you like the most?
  6. Is trans liberation absolutely necessary?
  7. What is your Reddit username?
  • comfy
    142 years ago

    I’ve gotta say, I’m not big on the idea of ‘super secret’ in my JavaScript. Closed source is why I left places like reddit years ago.

    At the absolute least, don’t complicate the upgrade process when Lemmy has an update (out-of-date federated instances suck), and don’t do anything controversial/invasive or annoying or alienating to mobile app users and cross-instance users (e.g. lemmy.ml accounts) that don’t run those changes.