• loathesome dongeaterM
    113 years ago

    Western “leftist” “intellectuals” really are something else. I watched his debate with Peterson and it was… interesting.

    • Muad'DibberOPA
      53 years ago

      Yeah he’s one weird dude. I’ll never forget this one.

      But ya here’s the article: https://inthesetimes.com/article/the-left-fidelity-castration-slavoj-zizek-fidel-castro-cuba-che-communism

      One gem from it:

      All of the above men­tioned sto­ries do not change the sad fact that the Cuban rev­o­lu­tion did not pro­duce a social mod­el rel­e­vant for the even­tu­al Com­mu­nist future. I vis­it­ed Cuba a decade ago, and on that vis­it I found peo­ple who proud­ly showed me hous­es in decay as a proof of their fideli­ty to the rev­o­lu­tion­ary ​“Event”: ​“Look, every­thing is falling apart, we live in pover­ty, but we are ready to endure it rather than to betray the Rev­o­lu­tion!” When renun­ci­a­tions them­selves are expe­ri­enced as proof of authen­tic­i­ty, we get what in psy­cho­analy­sis is called the log­ic of cas­tra­tion. The whole Cuban politi­co-ide­o­log­i­cal iden­ti­ty rests on the fideli­ty to cas­tra­tion — no won­der that the Leader is called Fidel Castro!

      • loathesome dongeaterM
        83 years ago

        That analysis is weird. Concocted entirely in vacuum as if there aren’t tangible reasons obstructing the achievement of a higher standard of living instead it just sounds like he thinks people are electing to live in dwlapidared housings to evidence their devotion to the revolution. Fucking whaco.

        • Muad'DibberOPA
          43 years ago

          Blaming a tiny island 90 miles from the coast of, and under attack from, one of the most vicious empires in human history, for not being prosperous while under attack.

    • Star Wars Enjoyer A
      53 years ago

      watching what little I saw of that debate, it felt like when the two frequent failers in a school class have a debate over the topic of the class. Like two people who don’t understand long division trying to debate its uses, or when the two students who sleep through history class decide to have a strongly opinionated argument over the strength of Rome. Neither make good points, neither are good people to put forwards to explain the foundations of the topic, but heck is it hard to keep oneself from popping some popcorn and just enjoying the shitshow.