• Muad'DibberOPA
    53 years ago

    Yeah he’s one weird dude. I’ll never forget this one.

    But ya here’s the article: https://inthesetimes.com/article/the-left-fidelity-castration-slavoj-zizek-fidel-castro-cuba-che-communism

    One gem from it:

    All of the above men­tioned sto­ries do not change the sad fact that the Cuban rev­o­lu­tion did not pro­duce a social mod­el rel­e­vant for the even­tu­al Com­mu­nist future. I vis­it­ed Cuba a decade ago, and on that vis­it I found peo­ple who proud­ly showed me hous­es in decay as a proof of their fideli­ty to the rev­o­lu­tion­ary ​“Event”: ​“Look, every­thing is falling apart, we live in pover­ty, but we are ready to endure it rather than to betray the Rev­o­lu­tion!” When renun­ci­a­tions them­selves are expe­ri­enced as proof of authen­tic­i­ty, we get what in psy­cho­analy­sis is called the log­ic of cas­tra­tion. The whole Cuban politi­co-ide­o­log­i­cal iden­ti­ty rests on the fideli­ty to cas­tra­tion — no won­der that the Leader is called Fidel Castro!

    • loathesome dongeaterM
      83 years ago

      That analysis is weird. Concocted entirely in vacuum as if there aren’t tangible reasons obstructing the achievement of a higher standard of living instead it just sounds like he thinks people are electing to live in dwlapidared housings to evidence their devotion to the revolution. Fucking whaco.

      • Muad'DibberOPA
        43 years ago

        Blaming a tiny island 90 miles from the coast of, and under attack from, one of the most vicious empires in human history, for not being prosperous while under attack.