I used to be interested in philosophy back in highschool, but now it’s just not doing it for me. Alot of it just seems to be like I think therefore I am, but if I wasn’t I wouldn’t be because if I was I would, but if I couldn’t, then I wouldn’t be able to, and if i… like bro maybe I’m dumb, but wtf are these dudes on about??? 😭

On another note, some of the worst of it like Nihilism goes so well hand in hand with capitalism.

    • @summerbl1nd
      132 years ago

      brother, gabriel rockhill just blew my brain waaay the fuck open with how he so clearly and thoroughly enunciates the shit that i’ve been thinking about for YEARS holy shit

      i am so relieved in the fact that even if i am insane, i am not alone in my insanity

      thank you

    • @AnSuithe
      92 years ago

      On your first point’s note, I’ve started reading the Tao Te Ching recently, and it’s also been changing my life, although it’s kind of the polar opposite. The edition I own has this intro and glossary that goes into detail comparing the tao to other other philosophies of the time and it’s just so fascinating.

      I was actually baffled when I found many concepts around the tao to be so similar to dialectics. Made me wonder if it was culturally easier for the Chinese people to assimilate Marxist concepts due to these elements they already had carried on since 400 BCE. It felt like reading On Contradiction all over again… Well, maybe not so much, but some parts were scarily reminiscent.

        • @AnSuithe
          62 years ago

          Definitely, and I understand and agree with what you say. I just love Laozi because he’s taught me how to navigate my recent struggles and it’s been massively helpful to me. I’d say I’ve been a somewhat principled confucianist for a while, even if I didn’t know I was. Arguably, Marxist sentiment is fueled by the same solidary vein.

          That said, my understanding from what I’ve read, which I must say isn’t Confucianist literature but rather some commentaries and quotes on it, is that Confucius believed the relationships one is born into are of utmost importance, with feudal loyalty being at the top and loyalty to fellow humans (benevolence) being at the bottom. Since you’ve read more Confucianist texts, pray tell me, did I get it right, or is there something I’m missing?

          I know it also said something along the lines of “lords are worth serving because if one weren’t he’d be deposed by the people”, but as Marxists we know how far that goes. Truth be told, the nuance of historical context is important, but I was just thinking if that part of the whole wouldn’t be problematic to a contemporanean reader.

          I know I probably have a very flawed understanding, since I (very regretfully) haven got around to reading more works yet, so I’m very looking forward to your instruction on the topic.

    • @IdliketothinkimsmartOP
      72 years ago

      I think Confucius and alot of other Eastern philosophers are pretty cool. Alot of it just seems to be principally about being nice, respecting the world, and contributing to order.

      sigh when in doubt, it’s probably the CIA.

    • @baffled_and_aghast
      2 years ago

      Taimur Rahman also did an interview here where he discusses precisely the kind of thing Gabriel Rockhill does - how postmodern philosophy came to function as a distraction from class analysis -


      (can’t vouch for every episode of that podcast but this one is great)

      edit: for those who prefer articles, Rockhill has published some good ones here:


        • @aworldtowin@lemmy.ml
          42 years ago

          Rahman is a very well-respected and legit Pakistani ML. He recently did a great episode with Luna Oi on the whole Imran Khan situation.

    • @VictimOfReligion
      2 years ago

      WTF? How the fuck is relegating answers of how the world works to precisely the only method that is actually made to understand the world without bias is “a dark age” ? What kind of idealism is this?

      And how is it bad that we use more specific therms of study and scientists instead of a broad and blur name as phylosophy, that basically can be anything and any charlatan?

        • @VictimOfReligion
          92 years ago

          Aaaah, I see, I see. I agree, then.

          I am just very visceral with idealism and very opposite to it… My nickname is quite a tip lol.

    • KiG V2
      42 years ago

      Very interesting.

      What do you like so much about Confucius? As someone with zero experience with him

        • KiG V2
          42 years ago

          Oof, damn, yeah I’ve been there that fucking sucks. I would spend a whole ass hour writing a perfect response in an internet argument just to press one stupid effing button and nuke myself.

          But that sounds really nice, actually. I definitely think compassion is underrated. It’s cool that this is the philosopher that (IIRC) many Chinese build off of. I will have to check him out when I’m up to read some philosophy.

            • KiG V2
              42 years ago

              Yes, I love that. Very kind and wise. People are a product of their circumstances and most don’t have the tools to escape it, simple. I myself don’t even truly hate our enemies (most of the time), I know they are just as hurt by these systems and victims of a high pressure current.