I hate how libs ALWAYS try to compare real politics to popular media.

Maybe it says something about their ability to comprehend complex situations without needing to compare it to something made to be easily understandable. Or maybe it’s a testament to their belief that there are somehow objective good and evil sides in the world, or think real politics should play out like a movie.

  • PolandIsAStateOfMind
    2 years ago

    “the intricate detail and study of Latin she did to name spells and world build” which is crap because she very much subscribes to the stick two words together to make a new word school of world building

    Wait what? Rowling has the worst naming sense in entire known to me literature bar none. I literally stopped in the half of first book because everything was named so absolutely cringy and immersion breaking.

    Compare to Glen Cook “Black Company” where most people are also named weirdly but it somehow fits totally, so it can be done, but she just completely botched it.