• @Ice_wizzard12
    2 years ago

    This, right here. As much as a multipolar world will help countries like China or Cuba, in America, we will experience a massive upheaval, from economic to social, and we must organize to fight against the inherent reactionary nature of American society. To me, these next two decades will make or break humanity. If America falls to fascism I think we would seal our fate of barbarism. Thank you for listening to my ted talk let’s get off our asses and organize the hell out of the American people.

    • KiG V2
      92 years ago

      I would like to think that MOST of the “make or break” is merely us stuck here in America, but I would like to think humanity in general will win against capitalism and against the climate change and fascism it has created. I just hope I don’t personally get turned into a fish stick and miss out on this new, hopeful world. Anything could happen though, all it would really take is one of our famously competent, famously level-headed and selfless members of our ruling class or alphabet agencies to spitefully mash The Big Red Button to drag down the rest of the world with it.