1. Many libertarians have the same opinions as us on non-economic foreign policies of the West (seeing through “human rights” claims as hypocrisy to justify war that is waged for resources and geographical control, what coups/assassinations/terrorists are ClA ops, etc.) because these are all state activities and they are anti-state, at least in the current form in the West

  2. Blumenthal’s opinions on the situation of vaccines in USA is very libertarian

  3. Clearly not a communist given he has never spoken positively about any AES and never explicitly supported enemies of the West

Yea idk that’s all I got lol

  • Breadbeard
    -62 years ago

    so you are a glowie. the gaslighting protocol shows again… red herrings, strawmanry, then mental health gaslighting

    admin: we found the cryptofash/glowie

    • @cayde6ml
      42 years ago

      The only person attempting gaslighting here is your delusional projection.

      You’re deranged and unhinged.

      You’re just further proving that you’re a reich-wing sympathizer.

        • Muad'DibberA
          72 years ago

          1 day timeout for violating rule 3. Be respectful, or go back to reddit.

        • @cayde6ml
          62 years ago

          You haven’t produced a single shred of evidence and you insult me for no reason just because I criticized Max Blumenthal.

          You sound like a plant. Just admit it and stop harassing me.

          Keep projecting.