I just wanted to know what Dengists think of the post-Stalin USSR; both in terms of things that were not objectionable (did not lead to the dissolution) and aspects that China has done differently/better. Thank you for your responses

    • Muad'DibberMA
      93 years ago

      I didn’t really fully answer the question, but its really a broad and complicated one, whether the USSR / PRC were “revisionist” and at what times in their history they’d fit that, as well as how revisionist is defined.

      IMO the USSR and PRC’s socialisms took different forms, but that doesn’t necessarily mean one is correct and the other is incorrect. There are likely many paths.

      • @Cetacean_Posadist
        23 years ago

        unfortunately history has proven the path the USSR ultimately took was not a correct one, “revisionist” or otherwise.