Can we please talk openly about who the mods are here vs there? I dont wanna bother getting invested here if its the same hacks currently running the sub. I understand we want to pipeline people to here.

But I cannot possibly trust anyone currently running that sub and the secret police type tactics they’re currently using against folks.

  • NFT screenshotter
    92 years ago

    shadowbanning users

    subreddit mods can’t shadowban, that’s an admin only thing

    • @The_Monocle_Debacle
      102 years ago

      Yeah the Reddit admins are getting very hands on in banning users and not even giving a reason

      • @SiegeOP
        -12 years ago

        the sub mods are also doing this though

    • @SiegeOP
      42 years ago

      the sub mods said they DID shadowban people. So that must be an old rule. mods can definitely shadowban now on reddit.