• @InvertedMussolini
    2 years ago

    What a stupid hill to die on.

    There are actual problems to deal with that are a far greater priority than this one, even if you are a transphobic revolutionary and for some cursed hellworld reason that this article of theirs has any relevance to reality (which btw it does not); imagine prioritizing this over capitalism, imperialism, fascism, neoliberalism, the climate crisis…

    The sooner that the senescent “empire” collapses into the obscurity it deserves, the better. I just hope it takes the CPGB-ML and all the transphobes on terf island with it.

    • @ArmedMinority
      2 years ago

      While we must recognize the ultimate importance of imperialism and capitalism, speaking personally as a trans person, it’s hard to work with people that fundamentally want me to stop existing, one way or another. Communist movements must look forward, not backward, and this applies to social issues as well as economic ones. So many of these movements seem to be allergic to actually critically considering the direction their movement must take

      • @InvertedMussolini
        72 years ago

        I agree with you. One of the problems with this so-called “debate” is that it gets put into a binary of organizing the masses or supporting trans people, as if trans people don’t have friends and family and colleagues and comrades and loved ones, which is utterly false

        If you are going to organize the masses, you aren’t going to organize them by attacking the people they care about over gender identity.