So, what’s going to happen. Is Russia going to turn off the gas tap tomorrow?

  • @PropagandaBot
    212 years ago

    The terrifying truth is Europe would rather freeze their people rather than accept any Global South currency as an official payment option.

    • Water Bowl Slime
      192 years ago

      I’m sure the European bourgeoisie are quite comfortable making such decisions knowing full well that they will never feel the cold themselves.

      • @PropagandaBot
        142 years ago

        There was a quote stating that when landlords demand a rent increase the tenants must make a sacrifice to make ends meet, when companies declare bankruptcy the employees are laid off, when politicians start a frivolous war the soldiers must pay with their lives; then again, the common people are being used by the parasite class.

      • @folaht
        2 years ago

        Oh they’ll feel cold once those decisions have been made. As cold as most of Azov will and some of Azov already are.