I don’t know if it’s just me or that I spend too much time reading YouTube comment sections or occasionally the enemy’s subreddit that is has given me a distorted perception of the masses or if it’s actually true that the broad masses are as reactionary and fascistic as they seem online and in media. It gives a kind of paranoia, a correct paranoia, that the Soviets felt in the 30s. I guess what I’m asking or looking for is whether my view of the American masses is distorted because of what I see online or if my view is correct. I prefer to be wrong on this.

  • Muad'DibberMA
    94 years ago

    Unfortunately I’d have to agree, that the broad masses of US’ers are reactionary; I’ve seen it not only grow within my lifetime, even within my own family, but as I learn more about metropolitan labor aristocracy, I realize that even among the “pro-union leftists”, it was always about integration into the american dream, and an alliance with capitalists, not opposition to them.

    I also see my friends which were supposedly “left”, getting rallied into the social imperialist policies of bernie sanders, and fully entrenching themselves as healthcare socdems, rather than turning towards anti-imperialist/communist politics.

    If there was ever an anticapitalist left in the US, it has long since been bought off, house-broken, and embourgeosieified.

    I’m still optimistic tho, because even though the US was able to bribe its own workers, it can’t do that for the rest of the world without maintaining its super-profits, so its imperialist system is slowly unraveling. Class struggle continues outside the US’s borders, US citizens are not the majority of the world and will play little to no part in future politics, and communism will still win regardless.