Does this mean, we don’t have to follow certain rules and we can conduct massive raid reddit operation? We can literally do that since there is no rule about that.

  • @Rafael_Luisi
    382 years ago

    Thats what actually having morals do to an mf. Honestly we should start learning those dirty tricks so we can counter attack the reactionarys with their own weapons.

    • @KommandoGZD
      2 years ago

      As Marxists we know where the prevalent morals at any given point in time come from, what they are reflective of and who/what they serve. Clinging to morals that help the bourgeoisie is bourgeois. We need revolutionary morals.

      We need to stop deluding ourselves into thinking hundreds of millions or billions of people will suddenly become communists if we just hand out Kapital copies everywhere and spam the internet with links. This pure revolution where everyone was included simply by the merit of the arguments is an idealist, utopian fantasy. We need to stop thinking petty things like creating engagement is beneath us and we need to start using the tools of the bourgeoisie against it when they’re handed to us on a silver plate like this.