Windfall was a facility where the bri’ish were refining weapons grade nuclear material. A fire broke out and tonnes of radioactive material was released. The bri’ish covered this up and the most attention it received was they poured out milk from surrounding dairies. For the instaboner the west loves about ghow #secretive and #cover up the #Soviets were and therefore nuclear was evil. They sure didn’t stand on that high of a horse
Windfall was a facility where the bri’ish were refining weapons grade nuclear material. A fire broke out and tonnes of radioactive material was released. The bri’ish covered this up and the most attention it received was they poured out milk from surrounding dairies. For the instaboner the west loves about ghow #secretive and #cover up the #Soviets were and therefore nuclear was evil. They sure didn’t stand on that high of a horse