And not so much in the crushing of capital and reactionaries etc. but in de-colonization. We have a monumental task ahead of us; we Communists in America have a lot on our plate compared to other countries.

America is unique in the melting pot that it is but also in the fact that we have two peoples that are of immediate concern: The Native Americans and the New African peoples. We genocided the former and enslaved the latter for hundreds of years. I have no doubt we will need to create autonomous regions for Native Americans locally and state wide. This doesn’t mean people will have to move out, although they could, but rather they’ll participate in a different type of government, specifically one that would be mixture of Native American council, like the Iroquois Confederacy, and more modern democracy. All people will participate in the autonomous region’s politics. The same goes for the New African Peoples; this doesn’t mean it’ll just be a state or regions with only black people; there’ll be white Hispanic asian etc. living and participating in politics there.

All I know is that America after de-colonization will definitely not look like it does now. Over time no doubt the autonomous regions would simply become part of the greater international Commune, but that’s a long time after Socialism has been built everywhere.

  • @some_random_commie
    4 years ago

    The situation you describe of various regions of the United States becoming ‘autonomous zones’ might have been possible a century or so ago, but not now.

    People talk about “de-colonization” to get around frank discussion of the National Question in the North American context. It’s a way to talk about these issues, without really having to talk about the big white elephant in the room; that is, of course, the English-speaking European Nation, in both “America” and “Canada.” It also leads to questions about the political nature of the integration of the black population. One road, represented by people like Garvey and Malcolm, would have led ultimately to the carving up of a separate country in the Southeast, the other, represented by Martin Luther King, has led to the territorial integrity of the US and the continuation of US imperialism abroad, except this time, US imperialists use it as an excuse to tell other people what to do (wanted to insert a link here to an article I read months ago against China, where the article does exactly this, but I’m unable to locate it, as the forum it was posted on no longer exists(edit: found it)).

    The remaining natives are so small in number, and already have essentially autonomous zones, so they’re not actually as important as the Black Nation. Next on the list is that other European Nation in North America, namely the Québécois, who already have a strong nationalist movement that has tried to separate twice from the English-speaking European Nation, and failed (in both cases, the majority of French-speaking people voted for separation, but they’re not the only ones voting in those elections). After them, it is the native Hawaiians, who also have a strong nationalist movement that calls for separation from the US. Lastly would be the Aztlan Question, but I think MIM has done much to spread confusion on this issue, rather than to illuminate it.

    All of this can only lead to Balkanization, not ‘de-colonization.’ This is why you will see the “Left” and the “Right” wings of the ruling class push back against any such ideas, and will substitute anything in its place. This is how ‘anti-racism’ struggles can be used for essentially reactionary purposes: the US government loves the idea of a multi-racial harmonious army, black and white soldiers holding hands together, as they stomp on the faces of everyone else in the world, for whatever ethnic/religious tensions exist in their societies, both real and imaginary, and manufactured from the outside by the US government itself. And old “Leftists” can sit back and pat themselves on the back for spreading good old fashioned “American” tolerance.

    • @metal
      4 years ago

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