Large Wizard

  • 6 Posts
Joined 2 months ago
Cake day: May 1st, 2024

  • You’re making weak arguments for why “Israel” cannot CAN (EDIT: lol fucked up the whole statement) exist long-term as a US proxy and settler project. It’s not that settler colonial projects are innately doomed. “Israel” is a project sustained through bitter sub-imperialist machinations and a tug of war with its US masters.

    The fact is their nuclear reactors are in range of those pesky Iranian missiles preceded by swarms of $200 drones whenever they want to take them out, and the colonists need their treats and their electricity to not run back to the US.

    That’s what makes it funnier that this guy didn’t even try to push back against your argument and dismissed you as what he sees as “right deviationists”.

  • It doesn’t mean anything, he thinks that patsocs = MAGA socialists, he is just insulting you. He thinks the most outrageous clips of right wing morons on twitch are all the same talking points as Midwestern Marx, who talks about how activists simultaneously shit on the settler state and gesture to the few progressive aspects of the outcome of the Revolutionary War.

    It just goes to show you that “MAGA communists” are all feds shitcoating real discussion of the labor aristocracy and anti-imperialism.

    That is a guy who added a tagline to the site about being drunk and high all day if you’re going to moderate! They just want the vibe of Hasan’s Twitch chat on their instance.

  • I just don’t see why rejecting dualism pushes these people to leap to new forms of irrationalism dealing in the material world rather than really accepting their limits. I think it’s more about the temptation of being a public figure, it’s mostly their ego.

    I am pretty sure we can account for all of the mechanics of consciousness and reincarnation once we develop our understanding of physics for another few thousand years.

    Here’s what I know, the world didn’t end when anyone else died before me. Here we are. I feel like insecurity about that leads a lot of people to talk about these things more than we need to.

  • Large WizardtoCreature PostingYeti Crab
    2 months ago

    What bacteria are capable of is so fascinating, before I heard about fermentation of coal and steel emissions into methanol then from methanol into raw protein, I was only aware that archaeobacteria/archaea (idk which is the right term) were able to survive inside of geysers. I’ve seen other hairy crabs and now I’ll have to go back and check on what role their coat plays in their lives.

  • most of the weapons needed to produce a war of that caliber have been used up in ukraine already

    Think about what specifically remains in Western stockpiles, please. WMDs delivered by the air force. We can talk about why WW3 hasn’t resulted from precision missile strikes of NATO command centers in Ukraine, or Iran precision striking “Israel” as a warning they can do the same to all of their nuclear reactors. We can talk about us “already being in WWIII” (my take, as we aren’t really at peace at all LOL). But in the event of the actual strategic level mass missile exchange, I think people are correct to say it would be the end of civilization as we know it on Earth.

  • Really trashy sources.

    Why does everyone who posts like this make the insinuation that western anti-imperialists act off of inverted nationalism?

    10 (TEN) rainbow flags? It’s a general symbol of Sexual and Gender Minorities.

    And yet there are plenty of gay and bisexual people who don’t care about pride at all. Phone me when they shut down the gay hookup apps. I don’t care about the rainbow flag. I don’t care about emojis. I am just fond of cock.

    I don’t care about sexuality related NGOs, they are happy to drive people to war and as someone in the Netherlands posted here today, participate in anticommunist demonstrations spreading lies about the USSR. This is not a foundation for acceptance of LGBT people by society but directing their energy towards being standard-bearers of liberalism.

    The same countries that are promoting international gay pride are also spreading anti-gay hatred sending money to reactionaries in Burundi.

    I haven’t seen any actual progress made by these organizations, which beg me to vote for liberals, in years. I don’t associate them with improvements in civil rights, I am not participating in the cargo cult.

  • Sure but lots of people have superficial attachments to phrases they pick up online. I’ve just seen a lot of incoherent/bad irony-mixed-with-sincerity posting and I give people a shot across the bow first. If the followup to being debunked is more playing dumb then you know.

    It’s not like everyone visiting the site can remember how to counter this story. Keep in mind Montefiore is a very mainstream historian so this will keep coming up. I’ve seen a lot of people fail to reply to this in full. It’s good to remind people about the extent to which the historians we don’t read make fallacious claims and how to approach them.

    It’s a shame, because the entire debunk sort of exposes how desperate people were to heap lies on his legacy.

    I really see the whole Lemmy/Reddit moderation strategy as a failed experiment but it hasn’t completely killed the sites at least. Extreme pruning down to seriously out of touch people.

  • the limitation on only posting things related to the operation Flood of Al-Aqsa to this thread

    Oh I just thought your site was dead. I can’t even find the megas here. Haha. For context I have been a (okay maybe not “a” user lol) user on Lemmy/Hexgrad for years. Had no idea any of this took place while I continued posting here. Reddit mods stay coming up with pointless rules

    You know, most of the time people call that a “containment thread” and they mean to deliberately annoy the people they ask to “move their stuff out of the way”