Guess after that Viral ‘Incident’ he become Irrelevant and Forgotten By Everyone Today Lol, Good FUCKING Riddance.


EDIT : i am Terribly Sorry for posting that Pedo Pfp, I Didn’t Meant to ruin Your eyes. I replace that with a Soyjak instead. Forgive me

    • ghost_of_faso2
      12 days ago

      Im schizophrenic, you implied that vaushs ideology is a result of mental illness and not just being an american, this is ableism.

      Like im not pulling your leg here, connecting bad politics to mental illness is ghoulish as fuck, they are not related.

      None of you people are mentally ill


      while simultaneously being your label for everyone who disagrees with you.

      No I just call it like I see it, sorry if thats hurtfull to you.