If I make art, I would like to get compensated by it. However, under market capitalism, my art has to sell well to make money, which means that I cannot make art out of pure volition, but have to adhere to what consumers like, which may not be in line with what I like. Plus, market capitalism/SnD opens up a whole other can of worms about copyright, piracy, and morality. With an LToV-based system for compensating for art, I will get paid based on how much I worked, rather than if consumers like it or not. In other words, I can allow people to copy and redistribute/remix it without worrying about a loss of customers. To quote George Lucas “[In the USA], you have to adhere to a very narrow line of commercialism”.

  • WithoutFurtherDelay
    1 year ago

    This seems fairly easy to fix in a socialist state. Just have art funds to dedicate towards artistic projects as a use of taxpayer money.