I know the generational divides are fake and mostly stand in for class consciousness but it still cracked me up anyways

    • calmlampOP
      4 years ago

      The main difference that I can see is that due to the polarized political environment they came up in Zoomers are way more invested in politics both on the left and right. (Let’s not forget large numbers of Zoomer kids became fascists as well)

      • SovietIntl
        4 years ago

        Right I’m also a millennial and I tend to view millennials as the most of the radical left because we went through 9/11, a protracted unjust war, economic collapse, massive debt and the list goes on. Gen Z has grown up in this increasingly polarized world. It used to be that millennials only had the state and older generations to deal with and we still do but Gen Z is also being radicalized by the right. The good thing is that left Gen Z’s will learn from our experiences and will be guided and exposed and normalize things like Socialism and Communism. Basically things like Socialism and Communism will be less and less scary for new generations.

    • ilyinichna
      4 years ago

      Anecdotally a while ago I saw this video where some old white woman was having a public meltdown over some teen girls… existing I guess. A couple of them were brown-ish and so she said some racist “go back to your country” nonsense. And the girl she said it to was like “Go back to where I came from? You go back to where you came from you fucking colonizer” and I about died laughing.

      Like shit it’s like pulling teeth getting most white “”“leftists”“” to acknowledge settler colonialsim as a primary contradiction in the us and here’s some random teenage girl who has a solid grasp on it

      • calmlampOP
        4 years ago

        Something many white leftists fail to understand is that the settler colonial question isn’t a matter of opinion. America cannot be coherently analyzed without foregrounding its settler colonial status. Marxists who ignore this issue and make it secondary or tertiary or even deny its significance literally alienate themselves from the advanced sections of the working class, especially the advanced among the colonized, who rightly recognize such “Marxists” for the racist liability they are.

        The consequences are often disastrous because they alienate radicals from each other and perpetuate racial divides whose fucking job is to literally alienate different sections of workers from each other.

  • Fontasia@feddit.nl
    1 year ago

    Only one of the six conspiritors of the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand was above the age of 24 at the time. I don’t think you have to be under 30 to be angry (and committed) enough for revolution but it helps.