• darkcalling
    1 year ago

    The kidnaps children thing is bullshit, a liberal lie. Russia evacuated civilians who wanted to be evaced including children because the Ukrainian Nazi state persecutes them for their Russian speech, culture, etc.

    So they’re liberals and we should not encourage liberal lies and “critiques”. Now if their signs were Marxist I’d feel better. But fuck liberals repeating atrocity propaganda.

    Further Russia is not imperialist as they don’t meet Lenin’s criteria. The Ukrainian war is not an imperialist war but a defensive one which Russia fought for years to avoid engaging in and tried desperately, sincerely with a duplicitous, dishonest west who was only interested in buying time to arm and train the Ukrainians to arrive at a peaceful solution. It was engineered by the west. Continued instead of ending in a peace treaty with the first couple months when Russia was near Kiev because Boris Johnson with the full backing of the US went there and threatened them not to back down.

    Contrast with any imperialist war by the US in the past century and it’s night and day.