Any Germans want to weigh in on this? I believe the AfD is, like, super far right and it has 18%? That seems like a lot of support…

  • cfgaussian
    1 year ago

    On the whole i am not surprised by most of this. It was to be expected that the SPD would lose big and the right would gain a boost. The only thing that constantly surprises me is how the Greens manage to retain such a constant base of support despite them being the most ridiculously incompetent bunch of clowns and the most to blame for the economic and energy disaster that Germany is now going into. They are clearly the leading force in the governing coalition and they run all over the weak SPD leadership despite the SPD technically being the senior coalition partner who got the most votes. The failure of the coalition government has dragged down the other two parties but not the Greens. It seems there is a solid chunk of the population that are just hardcore brainwashed green supporters and who are either in complete denial or who actually think it’s a good thing that Germany is being de-industrialized at the same time as being dragged into a proxy war with a nuclear power. A testament to the power of the liberal media to shape public opinion.