Since this community is pretty dead I thought I liven it up a little with some very light discussion about factions in our favourite wargame we absolutely hate.

So for me it’s the Orks. I love them in 40k and AoS. The chaotic, ramshackle ridiculousness of them is incredible entertaining. That and I am more interested in building models and painting than playing and Orks are perfect for that.

I also like Necrons because they are so awful but in an honest way. Yes they want to get rid of the other races so that the Necrons rule once more over the galaxy. But from their point of view it’s understandable. They ARE better than every other living race in technology and science. Years are to them like seconds to us. The difference between Necrons and other living races really is like the difference between us and insects.

Edit: I just want to clarify that I don’t think the Necrons are right in wanting everything dead. I just get why terrible space Egyptians would believe that they are right. I like that they are very upfront and honest about being dickheads.

  • Shrike502
    1 year ago

    Welp, time to catch some flak, I guess. You see, I actually like the Imperium. Now, I don’t think they are “good guys” in any shape or form, Emperor forbid. I just like the style. Mark III Power armour just looks awesome, fite me.

    AdMech is also cool, although I disagree heavily with GWs decision to make them steampunk/Da Vinci styled. Should’ve stuck with Blanche-esque horrific post-apocaliptic techno-barbarianism.

    Finally I will say this. I’ve been around multiple Warhammer communities and multiple RPs. And there’s one thing I have learned - all factions are cool in their own way, it’s the fans that suck and make everything terrible

    • Black AOC
      1 year ago

      It’s honestly the fandom that is the reason I don’t look at shit involving the Imperium. I don’t get behind explicitly fascist humans; I’d sooner betray my species lmao

      • Shrike502
        1 year ago

        Can’t say I blame you. Funnily enough, I’ve not met that many legit Imperium supporters among the fans, there’s maybe one person who simps for Great Crusade era specifically, but that’s about it. Other Imperium fans I know are pretty honest about it being a shithole.

        What gets me are unironic necron simps. Now those I’ve seen a-plenty. It’s one thing to acknowledge they have some cool and advanced technology, it’s a completely different thing to go “well they see a galaxy filled with vermin and they’re right to want everyone dead”.

        • RedCatOP
          1 year ago

          I just want to clarify that I don’t think the Necrons are right in wanting everything dead. I just get why terrible space Egyptians would believe that they are right. I like that they are very upfront and honest about being dickheads.

        • PolandIsAStateOfMindM
          1 year ago

          There are unironic Necron simps? I must say i seen those for basically every faction even for fucking Tyranids and Drukhari but never for Necrons, Necron players i met are always about their notably cool aesthetics and/or being Tomb Kings in space.

          • Shrike502
            1 year ago

            I know maybe two. Can’t say I’ve met drukhari simps that don’t acknowledge them being horrible

            • PolandIsAStateOfMindM
              1 year ago

              That’s the point, they do acknowledge them being horrible but still simp for them and whitewash them “at least they are honest yadda yadda”.

              • Shrike502
                1 year ago

                at least they are honest

                Jfc it’s like that “argument” people keep using about orks. “They are having fun!” Yeah, they sure are having fun, by terrorising everyone and everything

                • PolandIsAStateOfMindM
                  1 year ago

                  And note how much of ork atrocities goes unprocessed in their minds. We got general idea about drukhari even though we know 1/1000000 of what they do, chaos thinks daemonculaba was fun and good and even the more “normal” chaos routinely gets things like genociding billions in death camps on Balhaut for apparently no reason.

                  But orks are only having “fun”. What do fandom think happen with human and xeno population of the worlds conquered by them?

  • PolandIsAStateOfMindM
    1 year ago

    Most of them are horrific so any allegiations of being based are premature (at least in 40k, i don’t know basically nothing about AoS).

    But overally i would say Asuryani, since they are basically kind of communists - not marxists, but the post scarcity kind of practical communism. Too bad their stance on internationalism is shitty, but they are still basically the one of two factions which aren’t genocidal by design. Oh and exodites also seem pretty ok for that universe, or as far as primitivists could be, too bad the only time we hear about them is when they are being genocided by someone else.

    Also Tau, the second faction which don’t want to genocide everyone else just because. But most importantly, they are the only faction that seems to remember what scientific method it and didn’t abandoned it for some kind of cultish nonsense.

    Finally aesthetically i like the typical over the top garish aesthetics of entire 40k settings. IMO the trend of making it gritty rust and dust style is a huge mistake.

  • Magos_Galactose
    1 year ago

    So…my main interest in 40k has always been the space portion. The fleet, space battle, etc. I know it’s rarely the focus nowaday, but it’s still my main interest,and that’swhere my opinion of factions came from.

    So…my answer is the Chaos.

    You see, all factions navy have their own hats. Imperium fleet being slower, but versatile. All factions of Eldari are fast glass cannon. Necron have overpowering power and exotic tech, but so few of them. Tau love long range combat and drag a few escort with every capital ships. Orks vessels are…well, ork.

    If I’m going to define Chaos fleet’s hat, it would be that they…made sense. They are relatively longer range and a bit fragile, but unlike non-human fleet, they retain versatility and some protection of the imperium design. Furthermore, they have a combination that made good sense. Long range and good speed mean that in average condition, Chaos ship would be the one dictating the term of engagement against their Imperium counterpart, and their carrier-warship hybrids tend to focus on long range weapon to take advantage of the fact it’s a frigging aircraft carrier, unlike the Imperial carrier, which for some reasons love to have short range cannons that nullified the range advantage of flight decks.

  • Zymefish🏳️‍⚧️☢️
    1 year ago

    From what little I know of the lore, if I was dropped into that universe on any random Imperial world, I would do everything I could to flee to Tau space and became a Guevesa. Along the way though I’d probably get busted by the Inquisition and made into a Servitor. Clankity-clank.

    As for who I sympathize with the most, that would be the Tau because they seem like the least unhinged and as others have said the most left/Marx-friendly faction. I also like the vibes of the Orks though, because they ironically seem the most human. The other factions take themselves for the most part way too seriously.

    As far as cool designs go, I can find something appealing about all the factions to a varying extent. I can aesthetically appreciate Astartes armor, Nid creatures, Necron ships, Ork choppas, and Chaos daemons all at once.

  • RedSquid
    1 year ago

    Eldar Corsairs - a faction of space elf visual kei looking pirates who don’t actually need anything, they just go around adventuring and fighting and stealing because it’s fun. Plus jetpacks on everything (in the old days when they actually had a proper army in the game it was centred around ridiculous movement with basically everything including the tanks being able to fly, not just hover, fly).

    note I’m not picking a faction based on their marxist appeal cause the setting is fundamentally liberal and even the Tau and Craftworld Eldar are not gonna measure up as commies, no one is, even if those are more sympathetic than the humans.

  • Black AOC
    1 year ago

    Chaos, specifically, Slaaneshi chaos. Where else can I get units who weaponize the power of an amplifier with its gain knob at 11? Besides, the whole ‘Crowley-on-Warp-crack’ energy that Slaanesh has is top notch. I’d go for becoming one of their champions.