I’ve read many discussions in which certain ideas are denounced as CIA sabotage. I find myself torn between the two camps that form whenever this happens, usually because I have no idea what a CIA psyop actually looks like and have no reference for what a Marxist solution to, say, the question of what anti-colonial society actually looks like. It’s not an easy question, and it’s made all the more murky with the knowledge that plants and saboteurs absolutely exist.

Is there an ascribed methodology to identifying CIA propaganda?

  • JK1348
    1 year ago

    I don’t have much to answer your question but i do have an example of one

    My dad on his final years in El Salvador, hired a Nicaraguan singer for his band. When they arrived for one of their first shows to the club, the wall of the outside of the club has been painted with these words in Spanish

    “The FMLN welcomes (woman’s names) to El Salvador”

    Now as i grew older and talked to retired FMLN members, i found that all of them agreed that it is NOT something they would have ever done during that time of war. They all agreed its something the Reagan backed military definitely would have done to invoke fear into everyone around the area and mark the individual with marx-jacket (instead of a snitch jacket).

    This is a psy-op tactic

    If I’m wrong on my example please feel free to correct me