• Many Israelis feared and continue to fear a two-state solution because the Palestine “territories” wouldn’t be crushed and could self-govern. That would terrify the “Israelis” that the nation needs the most to thrive economically: the tech sector, the university professors, the doctors, lawyers, judges, engineers, diplomats, etc. both keep the economy going, are also the ones who have the easiest pathway to flee. People tend to forget that the reason that Ian Smith’s White Minority Rule coalition lost in the elections was not because the white Rhodesians all of a sudden grew a heart and decided to help liberate the poor oppressed black Zimbabweans, but because the African Bush War had decimated Rhodesia’s economy due to a massive brain drain. All of these people left and the average white Rhodesian hated black people but was willing to vote for anything to stop the bleeding. If anything farmers refused to give up the racist fight even after the whites in government had agreed to end the white minority rule, these farmers told the new government that the natives would have control of their farms “over my dead body!” and they obliged.