who is, in your opinion, the most liberal lib currently alive

  • KiG V2
    2 years ago

    Every late night talk show host or “comedian” makes me want to boil my BRAIN

    • 201dberg
      2 years ago

      There is one, I think, that could be made an exception and it’s John Stewart. I had been brained into being a conservative by my Economics teacher in HS and that show nudged me in the right direction. Like of all the things that kept pushing me to the left He started that ball rolling. He actually was a good interviewer and had some pretty based criticisms against the right. Like Colbert and other hosts it was all about the jokes and antics but Stewart was actually very critical and very sharp. He has taken on some pretty just causes too. Like fighting for healthcare for the 9/11 firefighters and other first responders. Don’t see any of the others throwing away their time and energy fighting for any workers like that. Maybe he’s a lib or maybe he has the heart of a socialist and just doesn’t know what to do with it. Man had to retreat to being a farmer and running an animal sanctuary. He just seemed care too much to be a true lib.

      That’s just my thoughts on him though. Maybe I’m biased but I gotta give him props for saving me from being a little brainwashed republican dipshit. So now you all know the 201dberg origin story. lol

      • cayde6ml
        2 years ago

        I used to like John Stewart as well, but I think he’s on the “Free Yoo-Crane” train.